August 2021 Developer Update for s&box - VR Support!

The developer update for August 2021 was posted this morning on the s&box dev blogsite, and with the update comes lots of new information.

Big VR Updates

One of the main focuses of the developer update was VR. Multiple sections focus on VR support additions. Garry has added support for VR Hand Tracking, VR Controller Inputs, VR Finger Tracking, and VR Puck Tracking.

Looking at your own hands in s&box VR.

All this work on Virtual Reality in s&box is making the game look like a very good option for developers who want to get into Virtual Reality development. Could we see a large VR community in s&box? At a quick glance, it looks like it could certainly happen.

Environment Props

Tom from Facepunch has been working on environment art such as street furniture for gm_construct.

We think these British-style assets looks great, and fit the style of s&box well! Hopefully we will see more assets added to s&box as development continues.

Hair & Clothing for Terry

Taylor has been working on new hair and clothing for Terry (or "the citizens"). After months of looking at naked citizens, feedback has been mixed about whether it is a good base playermodel. Facepunch is attempted to turn the public opinion on citizens to a more positive response by working on making them less naked.

As mentioned in previous blogs, Facepunch appears to be going for an art style of realistic-looking worlds with cartoon-style models mixed in, to create a strong contrast. The new hair and suit that Terry is wearing here looks quite dapper, and we are excited to see more.

Other News

Lots of other features such as tool improvements and code changes were implemented this month. We recommend you read the full blog to check it out. You can read the August 2021 s&box developer update here!