New Developer Preview Registration Opened for s&box

Jul 28, 2021; This article is already outdated! Check out this new post for the latest information.

On the heels of Sunday's madness about a potential open beta for s&box, the developer site has been updated to include a registration queue for s&box access. The updated site includes a button to join a queue for access to the developer preview, as well as some information on how access will work.

The page states that access is limited, confirming suspicions that an "open beta" is not an accurate term for the expanded access. Owning Garry's Mod is required to receive access to the developer preview, and trying to log in too often will get you send to the end of the queue, meaning your wait for access will be longer.

Access Is Available Now!

After Discord user Soreallybored#4500 linked a screenshot to the updated page, Garry retorted that anyone that signs up right now is being added "to the back of the queue".

Hype for s&box is increasing steadily, and Garry is likely impatient with users who rushed to sign up for developer preview before it was officially announced by Facepunch. The user who notified the s&box Discord of the change was using a page watcher so they would be notified if the HTML of the login page changed. Page watchers are web extensions that are often used by scalpers or other anxious internet users to get ahead of the updates to web pages.

Update: You can try to login once. The login system will add a certain amount of hours to your timer each time you attempt to login. Only try to log in whenever the queue tells you to! Multiple users have confirmed to have gotten access so far.

Garry has implemented what is essentially a lottery system on a timer for access. Every time you try to log in again, it adds more time to your queue. Only if you log in when your queue is up can you have a chance at getting the game. Currently, one key is released from the system every 30 minutes.

Queue "Try again" message

Access Can Be Revoked, Too

Garry is known as a bit of a wildcard in terms of his approach to the internet. He stated in the Discord that he can grant and revoke access at will - so be on your best behaviour! Racism, toxicity, or simply annoying Garry could mean your key gets revoked.

You can view the dev login page here.